Increasing Board Engagement with Strategies for Success

By Tracy Wingrove

As most development professionals know, maximizing board engagement in fundraising can be a challenge. Yet, the most successful organizations thrive on the support of their boards, which play a pivotal role in governance, strategy, and fundraising. Here are some effective strategies to foster a culture of active involvement and drive your organization’s fundraising success.

1. Clarify Roles and Expectations
To ensure board members understand their role in fundraising, it’s crucial to set clear
expectations from the outset. During orientation and in ongoing communications, specify how
each member can contribute—whether through personal giving, leveraging their networks, or
leading fundraising initiatives. A well-defined role helps board members feel confident and
motivated to participate.

2. Provide Training and Resources
Not all board members come with a background in fundraising, so offering training can be
immensely beneficial. Workshops, webinars, and one-on-one coaching can equip members with
the skills and knowledge needed for effective fundraising. Additionally, providing resources such
as sample fundraising plans or case studies can help them understand best practices and

3. Set Realistic and Achievable Goals
Setting clear, achievable goals helps keep board members focused and motivated. Establish
specific fundraising targets and deadlines, and break these into manageable tasks. Celebrate
milestones and successes to keep the momentum going. Realistic goals that are aligned with the
board's capacity will foster a sense of accomplishment and encourage continued involvement.

4. Foster a Collaborative Environment
Create opportunities for board members to collaborate on fundraising efforts. Organize
brainstorming sessions where members can contribute ideas for campaigns, events, or donor
engagement strategies. Collaborative environments leverage diverse perspectives and skills,
leading to more innovative and effective fundraising approaches.

5. Leverage Board Members’ Networks

Board members often have valuable connections that can be tapped into for fundraising.
Encourage them to use their networks to make introductions, seek sponsorships, or identify
potential major donors. Facilitate this process by providing them with information about the
organization’s needs and key messages.

6. Involve Board Members in Donor Stewardship
Engage board members in the stewardship process by involving them in donor appreciation
events, thank-you calls, or personalized notes. This not only strengthens relationships with
existing donors but also helps board members feel more connected to the impact of their efforts
and the organization’s mission.

7. Recognize and Appreciate Contributions
Regularly acknowledge and celebrate the contributions of board members. Recognition can be as
simple as a public thank-you at meetings or as elaborate as a special event. Showing appreciation
reinforces the value of their efforts and encourages ongoing participation.

8. Evaluate and Adapt
Periodically assess the effectiveness of your strategies and seek feedback from board members.
Understanding what works well and what needs improvement allows you to adapt your approach
and continuously enhance board engagement in fundraising.

By implementing these strategies, nonprofit organizations can build a more engaged and
effective board, leading to stronger fundraising outcomes and a greater impact on their missions.
Engaged boards are not only instrumental in securing funds but also in driving the overall
success and sustainability of the organization.

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